19 May 2008

the Mind before the Bear

The human mind is a pretty amazing thing. It is the titular evolutionary significance that puts us ahead (depending on who you speak to) all other life forms on the planet. I don’t mean to start off on a philosophical tone, because that would just be so unlike me. But I do marvel at what we are capable of doing, just because we somehow came upon this unique attribute of the human body. Which just so happened to be a highly advanced super efficient super computer. Housed in bone and tissue. Pretty remarkable. Some would say this was evolution, and others would say it was religion. Others might say it was something else.

What really amazes me, is the stuff that comes out of people’s mouths. Because you know those words are coming from somewhere. And it’s usually spouting from that super computer everyone has (some might say men have a second processing and computing zone…fair enough). I have heard many conversations that I have disagreed with completely, and others that have been right up my alley. Of course, I have had my fair share of ridiculous moments, that I argue just for the sake of arguing, and half way through I realize that I’ve already lost, but I want to keep it up just to make sure I don’t look wrong (ask Jamie—she has stories).

However, I did not start out writing this to talk about any of this. I really only wanted to talk about the bear story, which is really only an anecdote, but for some reason, after a glass of wine, I started pondering the human mind. Yes, one of my favorite quotes is this:

‘I am not prophetic! I don’t know what that word means! All I know is what the future holds.’

This, is exactly what I sat down to write about, and just got sidetracked. But it’s a perfect
example of the workings and intricacies of the brain. What you do and say is not always explained, and can forever remain a mystery. Oh yeah, and that was me up there, prophesizing about knowing the future, while not understand what I was saying. But I still believe it, at least in a certain sense that I could never explain.

My story, what I wanted to just begin with and then didn’t, is this:

I was sitting with Sam and she was obviously bored and started flapping her arms about and starting to go into weird dance mode so I looked up one of my favorite web sites, which is really just a bunch of collections of photos from all over the place. The best are the collections of old Soviet machinery and huge projects. Gotta give it to them: they really thought big. If only they had gotten those space-capable fighter jets off the ground. What a world it might’ve been.

Instead of monstrous Soviet projects, I clicked on ‘Funny Animal Photos Part 11’. I thought that might catch Sam’s attention. And actually, it was funny. Those animals do the darndest things. When this photo came up:

This was the conversation:

Sam: That’s a strong rope.

Jaro: That’s a ballsy bear.

(laughter ensues)

That was it. That was all I wanted to tell you about. I had all intentions of starting and ending with the bear story, but I made off with some weird intro about the human mind and how fucking crazy it is.

And this might just be the perfect example.

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